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Results 11-20 of 123 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Chief editor’s note on the 100th anniversary of the Russian 1917 revolutionMaleshin, D.; Maleshin, D.
2016An overview of administrative justice in ArgentinaVerbic, F.; Maleshin, D.
2018The establishment of legal rules as an element of the system of legal influence: an instrumental approachBerg, L.; Maleshin, D.
2016Civil justice in IndiaAgrawal, K.; Dixit, N.; Maleshin, D.
2016Administrative justice in PolandTurłukowski, Ja.; Maleshin, D.
2018Priorities and possible risks of the BRICS countries’ cooperation in science, technology and innovationKiselev, V.; Nechaeva, E.; Maleshin, D.
2017Competition law enforcement in the BRICS and in developing countries: legal and economic aspectsMosunova, N.; Maleshin, D.
2017WTO accession of BRICS countries: the Chinese experienceMikheeva, I.; Loginova, A.; Maleshin, D.
2017International space lawLits, M.; Stepanov, S.; Tikhomirova, A.; Maleshin, D.
2018Anti-corruption in the BRIСS countriesKurakin, A.; Sukharenko, A.; Maleshin, D.