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dc.contributor.authorSaravanan, A. P. P.en
dc.contributor.authorSubramanian, S. R.en
dc.contributor.editorMaleshin, D.en
dc.identifier.citationSaravanan, A. P. P. Transparency and confidentiality requirements in investment treaty arbitration / A. P. P. Saravanan, S. R. Subramanian // BRICS Law Journal / chief editor D. Maleshin; deputy chief editor S. Marochkin; executive editor E. Gladun. – 2018. – Vol. 5, No. 4. – P. 114-138.en
dc.description.abstractThe values of confidentiality and transparency are often invoked in the theory and practice of investment treaty arbitration. Transparency is considered to be one of the key aspects of good governance and corporate social responsibility. It includes the obligation of the host state to publish all the legal rules, regulations and other statutory requirements affecting investors. Confidentiality is considered the hallmark and unique feature of arbitration as a dispute resolution mechanism. However, it is difficult to balance these two values, in principle due to the difference in the various investment arbitration cases, as well as the high degree of public interest involved in such proceedings. The competing interests between transparency and confidentiality have significantly increased in the recent past, and the difficulty lies in drawing a medial line between them. There is also debate as to what extent non-disputing parties are allowed to participate in investment arbitration, and what the essential requirements are to admit them. It is in this connection that this article makes an in-depth analysis of how investment arbitration frameworks have approached the questions of transparency, confidentiality and amicus curiae participation over the years. The article assesses and explores similar issues within the International Convention on the settlement of investment disputes between States and nationals of other States, 1965 (ICSID), the North American Free Trade Agreement, 1994 (NAFTA) and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Arbitration Rules, 1978. The study also makes a critical analysis of celebrated cases falling within each category. The article further elaborates the transparency requirements in the U.S. Model Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT), 2012, and the recently adopted Indian Model BIT, 2015. The study is very significant because the United Nations has recently adopted the Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based InvestorState Arbitration, 2014 (Mauritius Convention), which ensures transparency and public accessibility to investor-state arbitration.en
dc.publisherPublishing House V.Емаen
dc.relation.ispartofBRICS Law Journal. – 2018. – T. 5, Vol. 4en
dc.rightsAuthors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms: Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.en
dc.rightsАвторы, публикующие в данном журнале, соглашаются со следующим: Авторы сохраняют за собой авторские права на работу и предоставляют журналу право первой публикации работы на условиях лицензии Creative Commons Attribution License, которая позволяет другим распространять данную работу с обязательным сохранением ссылок на авторов оригинальной работы и оригинальную публикацию в этом журнале. Авторы сохраняют право заключать отдельные контрактные договорённости, касающиеся не-эксклюзивного распространения версии работы в опубликованном здесь виде (например, размещение ее в институтском хранилище, публикацию в книге), со ссылкой на ее оригинальную публикацию в этом журнале. Авторы имеют право размещать их работу в сети Интернет (например в институтском хранилище или персональном сайте) до и во время процесса рассмотрения ее данным журналом, так как это может привести к продуктивному обсуждению и большему количеству ссылок на данную работу.ru
dc.subjectbilateral investment treatyen
dc.subjectICSID Conventionen
dc.subjectinvestment treaty arbitrationen
dc.subjectUNCITRAL Arbitration Rulesen
dc.titleTransparency and confidentiality requirements in investment treaty arbitrationen
dc.title.alternativeТребования к прозрачности и конфиденциальности при арбитраже по инвестиционным договорамru
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