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Results 17121-17130 of 17312 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013On the origin of «podyachii» (assistant clerks) in the first third of the XVIth centurySavosichev, A. Y.; Савосичев, А. Ю.
2013The idea of patriarchal power in French and English political and legal thought in the early part of the Early Modern PeriodBajazitova, G. I.; Mitjurjova, I. S.; Баязитова, Г. И.; Митюрёва, Д. С.
2013The Prosecutor’s Office as an organization protecting the interests of local self-government in the Russian FederationAndrianov, V. N.; Андриянов, В. Н.
2013Lies from Reliable Sources, or a Recurring Love for ‘Political’ ExileMandrika, Yu. L.; Мандрика, Ю. Л.
2013Colon tumors: endoscopic diagnosticsPavlova, N. N.; Soloviev, V. S.; Павлова, Н. Н.; Соловьёв, В. С.
2013Osteoporosis and cardiovascular pathology: peculiarities of the combined disease developmentBolotnova, T. V.; Platitsina, N. G.; Kuslivaya, O. N.; Болотнова, Т. В.; Платицына, Н. Г.; Кусливая, О. Н.
2013Infusorian fauna of different stomach compartments of the reindeer (Rangifer Tarandus L.) in the tundra zone of Chukotka autonomous regionKorchagina, T. A.; Likhachev, S. F.; Корчагина, Т. А.; Лихачев, С. Ф.
2013Polipathy among the elderlyRudakova, O. M.; Bolotnova, T. V.; Рудакова, О. М.; Болотнова, Т. В.
2013Regularities of the distribution of biotic taxa on the territory of the West Siberian PlainKonovalov, A. A.; Gashev, S. N.; Kazantseva, M. N.; Коновалов, А. А.; Гашев, С. Н.; Казанцева, М. Н.
2013Onto-morphogenesis of the Solanum dulcamaraZhuravleva, I. A.; Savinykh, N. P.; Журавлева, И. А.; Савиных, Н. П.