Browsing by Source Tyumen State University Herald. — 2012. — № 1 : Philology

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 35  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Application of quantitative methods to the analysis of author’s style and the solution of the problems of attributionZhuravleva, N. N.; Журавлева, Н. Н.
2012Beauty and beyond: N. K. Roerich’s ShambhalaBeliakova, I. E.; Cocksey, D.; Белякова, И. Е.; Кокси, Д. Дж.
2012«A Christmas Carol» by Charles Dickens in the light of ethic linguistic ecologyAndreeva, K. A.; Андреева, К. А.
2012The concept of «Homeland» in poetry of S. A. Esenin and A. A. BlokSanosyan, A. G.; Kupchik, E. V.; Саносян, А. Г.; Купчик, Е. В.
2012Ecolinguistic modeling of political discourseShapochkin, D. V.; Шапочкин, Д. В.
2012The ecology of translation: translation errorFedyuchenko, L. G.; Федюченко, Л. Г.
2012Fairy tale in the conceptual sphere of childhoodSmerdova, T. N.; Смердова, Т. Н.
2012Finno-ugric heritage in Russian dialects of the Tyumen regionLabunets, N. V.; Usminskiy, O. I.; Лабунец, Н. В.; Усминский, О. И.
2012Gender identity in the focus of modern scientific discourseSetchenova, E. G.; Сеченова, Е. Г.
2012Generic definitional model of linguistic term in scientific learning discourseMyakisheva, I. A.; Tabanakova, V. D.; Мякишева, И. А.; Табанакова, В. Д.
2012Historical dynamics of poetic imagery in the Russian poetry on Siberia of the XVIII – beginning of XX c.Rogachova, N. A.; Dracheva, S. O.; Medvedev, A. A.; Рогачева, Н. А.; Драчева, С. О.; Медведев, А. А.
2012The history of the reader as «mental odyssey»: cultural models of self-determination in the narrative by A. S. Byatt «The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye»Turysheva, O. N.; Турышева, О. Н.
2012Hypocemantization of language units in written speech of senior pupils (On the basis of composition texts of United State Examination on Russian)Aksarina, N. A.; Trofimova, O. V.; Аксарина, Н. А.; Трофимова, О. В.
2012The image of a Russian field in the novel «The life of Arseniev» by I. A. BuninGallyamova, T. A.; Ertner, E. N.; Галлямова, Т. А.; Эртнер, Е. Н.
2012An innuendo as a communicative pragmatic occurrenceTezekbaeva, G. A.; Тезекбаева, Г. А.
2012Introduction to ecograph: the phenomenon of the vital feeling in the 19th century Russian lyricsKomarov, S. A.; Lagunova, O. K.; Комаров, С. А.; Лагунова, О. К.
2012Linguistic examination as an object of study in speech antonymy of a state prosecutor and a lawyeLysov, V. I.; Лысов, В. И.
2012Linguistic personality and the aspects of its analysisStepanova, Y. V.; Степанова, Ю. В.
2012Linguistic structures in English diachronic educational discourseDrozhashchikh, N. V.; Дрожащих, Н. В.
2012Linguo-culturological features of «Tales of the Don» and «Virgin soil upturned» by M. A. SholokhovLoskutova, E. N.; Usminskiy, O. I.; Лоскутова, Е. Н.; Усминский, О. И.