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dc.contributor.authorRabinovich, R. A.en
dc.contributor.authorRiabceva, S. S.en
dc.contributor.authorРабинович, Р. А.ru
dc.contributor.authorРябцева, С. С.ru
dc.identifier.citationРабинович, Р. А. О ландшафтной приуроченности и функциональном назначении средневековх городищ Пруто-Днестровского Междуречья / Р. А. Рабинович, С. С. Рябцева. – Текст : электронный // Экология древних и традиционных обществ : материалы 5 Международной научной конференции (Тюмень, 7-11 ноября 2016 г.) / под редакцией Н. П. Матвеевой ; Тюменский государственный университет, Институт проблем освоения Севера СО РАН, Институт археологии и этнографии СО РАН, Институт экологии растений и животных УрО РАН. – Тюмень : Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2016. – Вып. 5, ч. 1. – С.
dc.description.abstractThere are known more than 20 settlements on the territory of Prut and Dniester interfluves, that are attributed to the period of 9-13th centuries. The main part of them are located in the north-eastern part of this region. All settlements are divided into two types. The first group includes settlements, their strengthenings are not subordinate to natural terrain. They are located on the gentle slopes and have a round or an oval shape in plain view. It is so called “round» or “ring” settlements. So called “promontories” type is the second type of fortified settlements, they have several protected areas and arranged in view of the protective properties of the terrain relief. The authors deal with the problem of landscape location of so called round fortified areas of Ecimăuţi-Alchedar type in Dniester-Prut interfluves. These areas appeared in the region not later than at the end of the 9th century. Because of their planning and structure, as well as because of character of archaeological evidences, they seem to be foreign, most likely they have West Slavic origin. The authors suggest that the main function of these areas was sacral, because they are located in geomantic zones, sometimes against any defense interests. Ring settlements were vulnerable because they were located in the ravines (valleys) next to a very high hills from which they could be fired by an enemy. The arguments are: 1) concomitant “ring” and “promontories” settlements; 2) ring-shaped fort could accommodate a very limited number of people; 3) location of “ring” settlements in geo mantle zones; 4) the presence on this monuments of the huge pits, much higher than the potential defense needs. The fact that the primary function of the round fortified areas is considered to be sacral does not exclude that they played or could play, at the same time, the role of communities centers of political and economic life, where are various industries could be located too.en
dc.description.abstractРассматривается функциональное назначение круглых и кольцевых средневековых городищ Пруто-Днестровского междуречья.ru
dc.publisherИздательство Тюменского государственного университетаru
dc.relation.ispartofЭкология древних и традиционных обществ : материалы 5 Международной научной конференции. Вып. 5, ч. 1. – Тюмень, 2016ru
dc.subjectкруглые городищаru
dc.subjectархеологические объектыru
dc.subjectархеологические раскопкиru
dc.subjectсредневековые городищаru
dc.subjectсредневековые поселенияru
dc.subjectкольцевые городищаru
dc.subjectландшафтная приуроченностьru
dc.subjectПруто-Днестровское междуречьеru
dc.subjectархеологические памятникиru
dc.titleО ландшафтной приуроченности и функциональном назначении средневековых городищ Пруто-Днестровского Междуречьяru
dc.title.alternativeAbout the landscape location and the functional purpose of the medieval fortifications in the region of Prut and Dniesteren
dc.typeConference Paperen
local.issueВып. 5, ч. 1-
local.conference.name5 Международная научная конференция "Экология древних и традиционных обществ"ru
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