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dc.contributor.authorTishkin, A. A.en
dc.contributor.authorТишкин, А. А.ru
dc.identifier.citationТишкин, А. А. "Оленные" камни как часть культурного ландшафта Монголии / А. А. Тишкин. – Текст : электронный // Экология древних и традиционных обществ : материалы 5 Международной научной конференции (Тюмень, 7-11 ноября 2016 г.) / под редакцией Н. П. Матвеевой ; Тюменский государственный университет, Институт проблем освоения Севера СО РАН, Институт археологии и этнографии СО РАН, Институт экологии растений и животных УрО РАН. – Тюмень : Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2016. – Вып. 5, ч. 1. – С.
dc.description.abstractThe article considers the ancient sculptures which it is accepted to call «deer» stones. These monumental objects dated within the first half of I thousand BC are widespread in different regions of Mongolia. Along with the general signs, each such site has the features of design and use. Throughout many centuries and at the present stage «deer» stones were a component of a cultural landscape. Being in a natural environment, it shows a level of development of early nomadic societies, and also other parties of history of the people in Central Asia. Identification, documenting and studying of the considered sculptures in Mongolia are continue. Their essential quantity is related with the large memorial complexes created in the ancient time. Unfortunately, all of them have suffered lately. However archaeological researches in a certain measure allow reconstructing initial shape and purpose of the recorded objects in organized system of constructions. Large-scale excavation of the known site Ushkiyn-Uver in the Hubsugul aimag, and also inspections of other similar complexes across all territory of Mongolia couid become one of such examples. The clarification of causes of infringement of an ancient cultural landscape is also important. These facts were repeatedly noted by researchers, and every year their quantity increases. During studying of Turkic enclosures in the natural boundary Hushuun denzh in the Central Mongolia use «deer» stones as construction material was recorded. Sculptures were taken from the destroyed ancient memorial complex which is nearby. The designated subject demands further development and comparisons.en
dc.description.abstractИзучается культурный ландшафт древней Монголии.ru
dc.publisherИздательство Тюменского государственного университетаru
dc.relation.ispartofЭкология древних и традиционных обществ : материалы 5 Международной научной конференции. Вып. 5, ч. 1. – Тюмень, 2016ru
dc.subjectвсеобщая археологияru
dc.subjectархеологические раскопкиru
dc.subjectархеологические памятникиru
dc.subjectархеологические объектыru
dc.subjectкультурный ландшафтru
dc.subjectоленные камниru
dc.subjectдревние каменные конструкцииru
dc.subjectмемориальные комплексыru
dc.subjectдревние изваянияru
dc.title"Оленные" камни как часть культурного ландшафта Монголииru
dc.title.alternative«Deer» stones as part of the cultural landscape of Mongoliaen
dc.typeConference Paperen
local.issueВып. 5, ч. 1-
local.conference.name5 Международная научная конференция "Экология древних и традиционных обществ"ru
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