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Title: | Legal aspects of integrational processes at the Post-Soviet territory (a review on the monogrpah by A.V. Pashchenko «Legal relations in establishment and payment of customs duties within the EurAsEC framework: the question of the status of participants») |
Other Titles: | Правовые аспекты интеграционных процессов на постсоветском пространстве (рецензия на монографию А. В. Пащенко «Правовые отношения при установлении и уплате таможенных пошлин в рамках ЕврАзЭС: вопрос статуса участников») |
Authors: | Emelianov, A. S. Vinnichenko, O. Yu. Simonova, L. M Емельянов, А. С. Винниченко, О. Ю. Симонова, Л. М. |
Keywords: | reviews law рецензии право |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Publisher: | Tyumen State University |
Citation: | Emelianov, A. S. Legal aspects of integrational processes at the Post-Soviet territory / A. S. Emelianov, O. Yu. Vinnichenko, L. M, Simonova // Tyumen State University Herald. — 2013. — № 3 : Law. — P. 123–126. — Review of the book: Legal relations in establishment and payment of customs duties within the EurAsEC framework: the question of the status of participants / A. V. Pashchenko. |
URI: | |
ISSN: | 2307-6445 |
Source: | Tyumen State University Herald. — 2013. — № 3 : Law |
Appears in Collections: | Tyumen State University Herald
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