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Title: Оценка лейкоцитарных индексов, лейкограмм и уровня экспрессии тканевых маркёров в опухолевых клетках женщин, больных раком молочной железы
Other Titles: Assessment of leukocyte indices, leukograms and expression levels of tissue markers in tumor cells of women with breast cancer
Authors: Айдина, М. П.
Aidina, M. P.
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Турбасова, Н. В.
Turbasova, N. V.
Keywords: магистерская диссертация
рак молочной железы
рецепторы эстрогена
рецепторы прогестерона
лейкоцитарные индексы
master's thesis
breast cancer
estrogen receptors
progesterone receptors
leukocyte indices
endogenous intoxication
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: Айдина, Мария Павловна. Оценка лейкоцитарных индексов, лейкограмм и уровня экспрессии тканевых маркёров в опухолевых клетках женщин, больных раком молочной железы : выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) студентки 2 курса очной формы обучения по направлению подготовки 06.04.01 Биология, магистерская программа «Биотехнология» / М. П. Айдина ; научный руководитель Н. В. Турбасова ; автор рецензии И. В. Ральченко ; Тюменский государственный университет, Институт Биологии, Кафедра анатомии и физиологии человека и животных. — Тюмень, 2021. — Текст : электронный.
Abstract: Исследование лейкоцитарных индексов, лейкограмм и уровня экспрессии тканевых маркёров в опухолевых клетках женщин, больных раком молочной железы.
A comprehensive study of the expression expression of estrogen receptors, progesterone and determining the level of endogenous intoxication in women with various hormonally receptor phenotypes of breast tumors are carried out. Patients were more often detected by breast tumors expressing estrogen receptors (63.95%) and progesterone receptors (55.45%) than tumors that do not express these receptors. Breast tumors that have no expression of estrogen receptors have a more malignant current. In women with such phenotypes, metastatic RMG was more often diagnosed. The number of leukocytes and the parameters of the leukegram in patients were at the level of the norm. In addition, all women with RMW have been observed an increase in ESP. Analysis of the leukocyte intoxication leukocyte indices (LII, ISLK, the Krebs index) revealed in women with hormonal receptor phenotypes of RE + RP and RP-RP tumors + the presence of inflammation and a light degree of endogenous intoxication. IRO and whether they were increased in all patients relative to the normative parameters, which indicates an increase in the reactivity of the organism and the presence of endogenous intoxication. Also, women having phenotypes of RE tumors RP- and RE-RP- are registered low parameters of Lee and IRO compared to women who have positive expression of both hormone receptors. In women with RMG, an increase in ILG was revealed, relative to the normative values, which indicates autoorexication, as well as the inflammatory process. In addition, the presence of a more pronounced intoxication associated with the infectious process was recorded in patients having a PE-RP-RP-RP.
Speciality: 06.04.01 – Биология
Appears in Collections:Магистерские диссертации

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