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Title: Thermal Analysis of the YSe-Y2Se3 system
Other Titles: Термический анализ системы YSe-Y2Se3
Authors: Kharitontsev, V. B.
Andreev, O. V.
Харитонцев, В. Б.
Андреев, О. В.
Keywords: lanthanon selenides
phase diagram
phase transformation heat
селениды лантаноидов
фазовая диаграмма
теплоты фазовых превращений
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Tyumen State University
Citation: Kharitontsev, V. B. Thermal Analysis of the YSe-Y2Se3 System / V. B. Kharitontsev, O. V. Andreev // Tyumen State University Herald. — 2013. — № 5 : Chemistry. — P. 96–103.
Abstract: The solidus-liquidtis area of the phase diagram of the YSe-Y2Se3 system is constructed by the visual-polythermal (VPTA) and simultaneous-thermal (STA) analyses. While finding the Y:,Ses.x compound in the polycrystalline state, the endothermic effect isfirst registered at t = 1,325 ± 5 °C; AH = 18 ±2 kJ/mol (43 J/g). The effect is identified as the polymorphic transition from the Y2Se3.x (ST Sc2S) orthorhombic structure into the high-temperature modification of </-Y2Se3, most probably of a cubic structure. The transition is reversible, it is reproduced when being cooled. The eutectoid transformation temperature in the Y2Se.-based solid solution is equal to 1,275 ± 5 °C. The heat effect of eutectic melting is registered in the thermal analysis of the Y2Se3.xcompound. The total melting enthalpy of all the Y,Se3.x crystals is approximately 70 ± 15 kJ/mol (169 J/g). According to the VPTA, the eutectic temperature between the YSe and Y2Se3 phases is 1,380 ± 15 °C; according to the STA, it is 1,350 ± 7 °C. The eutectic composition is assumed to be 57.5 at. % Se; according to the STA, the melting enthalpy of the eutectics is 43.2 ±5 J/g. The melting temperature of YSe is 2,110 ± 35 °C.
ISSN: 2307-6445
Source: Tyumen State University Herald. — 2013. — № 5 : Chemistry
Appears in Collections:Tyumen State University Herald

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