Browsing by Source Tyumen State University Herald. — 2013. — № 3 : Law

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Classification of forms of government: a new approach or a search for criteriaAvdeev, D. A.; Авдеев, Д. А.
2013Corruption in the legal-institutional and innovative systems of the society: Russian specificsSimonova, L.; Gibler, I.; Kisileva, A.; Симонова, Л. М.; Гиблер, И. П.; Киселева, А. С.
2013Criteria for defining administrative violations as minorPirogov, V. Yu.; Пирогов, В. Ю.
2013Current issues of improvement of the activity of representative bodies of power when giving free legal aid to citizensMishunina, A. A.; Suntsov, A. P.; Мишунина, А. А.; Сунцов, А. П.
2013Division of powers in the Russian Federation as the main constitutional principle in the functioning of the legal democratic stateChebotarev, G. N.; Чеботарев, Г. Н.
2013Ensuring the implemenation of the right of equal access to the civil serviceZaitseva, L. V.; Зайцева, Л. В.
2013The expediency of the application of administrative arrest as a form of administrative punishmentMoiseeva, O. V.; Моисеева, О. В.
2013Issues of legal regulation of disciplinary responsibility and moral denouncement of municipal officers for violation of duties concerning corruption legislationChikireva, I. P.; Чикирева, И. П.
2013Law-making capacity of international Tribunals (in the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Jurisprudence)Marochkin, S. Yu.; Nelaeva, G. A.; Марочкин, С. Ю.; Нелаева, Г. А.
2013Legal aspects of integrational processes at the Post-Soviet territory (a review on the monogrpah by A.V. Pashchenko «Legal relations in establishment and payment of customs duties within the EurAsEC framework: the question of the status of participants»)Emelianov, A. S.; Vinnichenko, O. Yu.; Simonova, L. M; Емельянов, А. С.; Винниченко, О. Ю.; Симонова, Л. М.
2013Legal regulation of regional governmental authorityKozlova, L. C.; Sadovskaya, T. D.; Козлова, Л. С.; Садовская, Т. Д.
2013A Legal «Miracle» and the Daily Practice (bibliographic review)Ermakov, I. I.; Ермаков, И. И.
2013Mediation process principlesSukhova, N. V.; Сухова, Н. В.
2013On the question of the concept «administering» in the legal-administrative and legal-financial doctrineEmelyanov, A. S.; Емельянов, А. С.
2013On the theoretical provision of the status of a law consultant in the sphere of economyKleandrov, M. I.; Клеандров, М. И.
2013The problem of defining family’s legal relations in the procedure of mediationKrasnova, T. V.; Kuchinskaya, L. A.; Краснова, Т. В.; Кучинская, Л. А.
2013Problems of information provision on the prevention of juvenile delinquencyVinnichenko, E. O.; Винниченко, Е. О.
2013Problems of providing an agreed action and implementation of international and Russian laws (a review on the monograph by S.Y. Marochkin «Action and implementation of international law in the legal system of the Russian Federation»)Pryakhina, T. M.; Пряхина, Т. М.
2013The Prosecutor’s Office as an organization protecting the interests of local self-government in the Russian FederationAndrianov, V. N.; Андриянов, В. Н.
2013Regulating agricultural land circulation: experience in the Russian Federaion and law initiatives in UkraineMiroshnychenko, A. N.; Мирошниченко, А. Н.